
Verage is one of the highest ranking soldiers in the Templar Military.  First establishing a name for himself in the 6th crusade, when Templar armies swept into Inheritor lands, Verage's keen mind and brutal fighting skills led him to the Gendarms.  One of the Ascended Templars selected Verage to fight off-world as part of a Mishma force attacking Imperial in the Venusian jungles.  Mishima tried to keep him on the distant world but Verage and a small troop captured a ship and fought their way back home.  His experiences have left him with a deep hatred of the Corporations and strengthened his belief that the Templars are the Chosen Ones, better than the humans from both on and off-world (excert from Dark Eden).


Known for his strategy in combat, Labid introduced what is called the 'Wall of Flesh' tactic through use of slaves and captured enemy as cannon fodder.  Labid was later with Verage during their escape from the Venusian jungles.  Verage holds high regard for Labid due to the escape.  At one point, their small team was surprised by a beast from the cesspools of Venus.  Arising from behind Verage, the beast lifted a large claw to quickly extricate all of Verage's internal organs.  Labid, quick on the draw, blasted the beast through its eye cavity and into its skull.  Verage has never forgotten the speed of which Labid can react and, in addition to Labid's battle tactics, has used this during many a battle against the weak and treacherous tribes of Dark Eden.  After their return to Dark Eden, Verage and Labid became blood through a rite called The Mixing in which a stake is inserted through their hands.  Nothing now separates one from the other.